User's Guide

Vienna, February 2006


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This ''Users's Guide'' is part (i.e. an extraction of selected chapters) of the Master's thesis ([1]) written in the course of this project. This thesis mainly discusses the problem of mobile web access. Consequently, this guide focuses on transformation tasks for mobile clients.

Introduction and Motivation

Years ago, when the Internet was a network almost only used by academics or militaries on their Desktop-PCs, its main purpose was the fast (and hopefully secure) exchange of information. Nowadays, this media has entered the households of millions of people and new (wireless) non-PC devices with web-access have become very popular. The focus, however, has remained on the exchange of information.

One of the most important remaining challenges is to present the information in the World Wide Web in a way, so that anyone can use it anytime, anywhere.

The language of the web, HTML, the HyperText-Markup-Language[2], has discovered some disadvantages, mostly because it has been developed from a view- and not content-oriented point of view, and its ''loose'' standard (which allows malformed markup).

This, and the lack of semantic information (exception: meta-tags), make HTML-pages not really easy to be further processed by non-human users. Additionally, these documents were meant to be interpreted by browsers running on desktop-PCs, usually equipped with large screens and ''mighty'' input devices such as mice or keyboards.

Therefore, HTML is not a device independent language - if one wishes to display web pages (written in HTML) properly on a wireless device, she will either have to enhance the mobile browser (which is often difficult, due to the possible lack of resources), invent a completely new language for the Wireless World Wide Web (such as the Wireless Markup Language, WML[3]) and redefine the existing pages in this language (so that essential functions may still be available to a mobile user), or - and this is the core of our work - convert these documents from their way from the web server to the client's user-agent (a browser, in the most cases).

Problem Definition

Today, the Internet has not only one language anymore - much efforts have been made to improve HTML, e.g., - mostly to overcome problems caused by malformed markup - XHTML[4], the eXtensible HyperText Markup Language, a redefinition of HTML in XML, has been introduced.

XHTML was a first step, but it was still insufficient. There was general consensus that only a clear separation of content and style will meet the needs of all the new stakeholders and techniques involved - be it automated extraction of information or delivering this information to new devices or users.

The World Wide Web Consortium's (W3C) eXtensible Markup Language
(XML[5] - a strict subset of SGML[6], the Standard Generalized Markup Language) is a meta-language for defining new markup languages. In the last years it has proved to be the right language not only for the definition of standard device languages and formats (e.g., XHTML, WML...), but also for creating all kind of ''self-describing'' data. Furthermore, in combination with XSL ([7]), a language for transforming (XSL/T) and formatting (XSL:FO) objects, we now theoretically achieved the desired separation of meaning and view.

So, with the help of XML and XSL/T it is now possible to create different views of the same underlying content: After applying different stylesheets (e.g., one for XHTML-output, and a WML-version for WAP-browsers) to one and the same XML-data-file, we obtain several ''viewable'' versions of the (XML-)data-document - e.g. an XHTML-version for the web and a WML-page for (older) mobile browsers. This ensures homogeneity, although documents will still be published under different public (HTTP[8]) addresses (e.g. '''' and '''').

For many legacy web pages which have not been created out of an XML-source-file, however, a redesign from scratch (either in the mentioned way or in a ''mobile language, such as WML) seemed to be not feasible. Therefore, the task of converting these documents ''on demand'' became more and more important.

The main idea behind this project was to dynamically transform HTML-pages to whatever format the requesting client (browser) is capable to understand. While we have originally been looking for a new way of delivering web content to wireless devices, i.e., a transparent, flexible and extensible way to transform documents written in HTML to various output-formats (e.g. XHTML or WML), we found a solution that did not only satisfy us regarding our main aim. It has also proved to be suitable for (at least some of) the requirements of many other popular questions in the emerging field of web engineering.

In the course of our work, we defined (in XML Schema[9]) two new (XML-)languages:
The first language's purpose is the inspection of HTTP-requests (what kind of device is used, which page is requested..) and the definition of what (i.e., if or what kind of transformation-rules should be applied to the corresponding HTTP-response from the web server) should be done if a web request meets certain criteria. The other language is used for specifying how to do this transformation. It does not not only offer possibilities to import or implement XSL- and XQuery-scripts, also simpler search-replace- and more complex page-splitting-functionalities are implemented in this language. For ''common'' transformations (e.g. converting an HTML-form to a WML-form, extracting links, and many more) we created several predefined stylesheets, so one may not have to deal with XSL or XQuery by her own.

This layer of abstraction - and the fact that we kept those (configuration-)languages self-explaining and simple but quite ''mighty'' - not only reduces development-efforts of (either online- or realized as browser-plug-in) graphical configuration-user-interfaces, it also provides a ''self-explaining'' way to convert web content on demand.

FOXY - A Prototype Implementation

FOXY (Filtering prOXY) works as an intermediary between (not necessarily) wireless clients and HTTP servers. It converts existing web content dynamically on demand and presents it in the most appropriate form to the (mobile) user.


This section gives a brief overview of our aims regarding technique and functionality of the prototype.

General Aims

One of the main ideas behind this project was to create a solution that summarizes the most promising approaches to device-independent web engineering. We focused on the conversion of text-based content, although media-data-transformation should also be possible in future versions. For the prototype implementation itself we intended to make only use of Open-Source software solutions.

Intelligent vs. Knowledge-rich

Many existing web-transcoders use ''intelligent'' algorithms to decide, how a requested web page should be transformed i.e. how it should be displayed on a small-screened device. Nevertheless, we wished to leave this decision at the side of the user or the transformation-language of her choice, respectively. So one may create a special XSL-stylesheet for the transformation of a particular web-page (this would be an knowledge-rich approach), but can also implement an (heuristic?) HTML-to-WML transformation algorithm in an XQuery-stylesheet (which may then be applied to e.g. all pages or a group of websites). These stylesheets can then be imported/included in the server's configuration. In our prototype, all transformation-actions are referred to as (transformation-)rules. A rule, in FOXY, may consist of simple text search-and-replace actions, XSL- or XQuery-transformations and more complex page and form splitting actions and the modification of HTTP-request- and -response-header fields, respectively.

Assuming the user wishes to follow the knowledge-rich approach (i.e., she does not want the system to decide which pages should be converted), we had to find an efficient way to provide her the possibility to ''tell'' the server which pages should be transformed, i.e., what criteria an incoming HTTP-request has to meet, so that the corresponding HTTP-response data (or also the original request itself) will be modified by one ore more transformation-rules. Therefore, we compare incoming HTTP-requests with so called (HTTP-request-)patterns that are defined by the user (in the patterns configuartion file). When an HTTP-request matches a pattern (e.g. host='''', path equals ''/''), a set of transformations - or rules - are then be applied to the corresponding response of the web server (or even before - to the client's request-header). For this reason, we compare (also involving regular expressions) characteristical parts the HTTP-request, such as server, port, path, parameters and header fields to corresponding values of stored request-patterns. This makes it for example possible, to apply particular transformation-rules (or a group of them) for all requests with header field ''User-Agent'' containing the word ''WML'' or for all pages on server '''' in URL-path ''/news'' or for a certain page with URL-parameter ''user'' set to ''john'', to name just a few.

Embedded Tags

Some approaches require special tags embedded in the original (X)HTML-page to fulfill some transformation-tasks (e.g. the splitting of a large web page into smaller parts, which may then be displayed separately - naturally with a simple navigation-menu - on the mobile device's screen). This works fine, but usually only if the user has created the page by herself - for web pages that have not been ''equipped'' with those special-tags this static approach is not sufficient. That is why we decided to implement a dynamic solution for this issue, although we also offer the possibility to support more complex transformations with the help of embedded tags.

Transformation Language

Most of the discussed approaches use their own proprietary transformation-language for the defining the transformation-process itself. As our aim is to convert one Markup-Language into another, we decided to make use of existing standards (such as XSL and XQuery) for converting documents defined in Markup-Languages.


In this section, we take a look at FOXY's design concepts and discuss the realization of essential parts of the server.

General Design Concepts

One of our aims regarding the prototype's implementation was to keep it as flexible as possible. Flexibility, in this case, does not only refer to the usage of the system - we also wanted the implementation following a modular approach, so that essential functional parts may be changed (either by the user himself or by one of the developers) or replaced (if e.g. a newer or better solution for a certain task exists) over time, without the need of adapting other parts of the system to these modifications. So, our first task was to split our problem (mobile web access) into pieces and to design an architecture that combines and interact between these pieces.

Our prototype implementation basically consists of three main parts:

To ensure a high degree of usage-flexibility, request-patterns and transformation-rules are stored in external files (and can be modified at server's runtime). The essential functionality of the server's ''filter''-(or transformation-, respectively) process is realized in these configuration-files. They are loaded at startup and can be changed and reloaded (separately) at runtime. Our first candidate regarding the file-format was naturally XML - it has shown to be the right language-standard for describing data and there are many free parsers and tools available that make the handling of XML-based data-structures quite convenient.

For the implementation of the server, we decided to use the Java ([10]) programming language - in the last years it has clearly proven to be a stable solution for creating object-oriented (and often distributed) network- and Internet-applications. Additionally - if we keep the format of our configuration-files in mind -, there are a large variety of HTML- and XML-parsers, XSL- or XQuery-engines, HTML-to-XHTML-converters and data-binding-utilities 2.1 available in Java.

In the next section, we describe some other tools and technologies we made use of to develop a modular and extendable prototype.

Used Technologies and Tools

Format of the Configuration Files

The (XML-)languages of the configuration files have been designed with the help of W3C's XML Schema([9]). XML Schema does not only allow the definition of own data types and -subtypes (including inheritance), it also eases the automated generation of Java-classes corresponding to these types (and/or elements, respectively).


As our server is implemented in Java and our configuration-files are stored in XML-format, we needed an efficient way to im- and export the Markup-data into Java. The automated creation of representations of XML-data types (and elements, respectively) in other (programming) languages is referred to as databinding). In our case, we use Sun's Java Architecture for XML Binding ([11]), JAXB, to generate Java-classes out of an underlying schema. JAXB also ensures that XML-files are compliant to a given schema, hence, there is no need for an explicit (often time- and performance-consuming) verification of the configuration-files' format. The usage of these JAXB-created classes is further explained in the description of the configuration-package (see section 2.3.2).

Parsers and Transformation Engines

For the implementation of the prototype, we used following Open-Source ([12]) Markup-processors

Most of them are implemented (as singletons) using the popular factory-pattern and can be set via special parameters given to Java's Virtual Machine at runtime (see section 2.3.2 and 2.3.2).


When writing a server in Java, in most cases it is not appropriate to implement logging-facilities by oneself. There are many free packages available that are intended to support developers in this task. Although newer versions of Java (since 1.4.1) include built-in logging-features, we decided - mostly due to performance reasons - to use an external solution, called log4j. Log4j, a project maintained by the Apache Software foundation , is designed for highly customizable runtime logging without incurring a heavy performance loss. We choose this logging-package, because it has been used in many popular software-projects over the last years and proved to be very stable and efficient.

The FOXY System

This section demonstrates the server's functionality on the basis of a common connection scenario. We give a short description of some functional important classes and how they act together during the connection- and filtering-process. More detailed information about the mentioned Java-classes and packages can be found in section 2.3.2.

Figure 2.1 illustrates the stakeholders involved and the actions that have to be done, whenever a client user-agent requests a web page through the proxy server.

Figure 2.1: Overview of FOXY
Image foxy

In the first step (1), the client sends an HTTP-request to the proxy server. An HTTP-request generally consists of one (text-)line containing the request's method (e.g. GET, HEAD, POST) and its URI, as well as an HTTP-header, which contains one or more key-value pairs, called HTTP-header fields (see figure 2.2).

Figure 2.2: HTTP-request message format
<METHOD> <request-uri> <HTTP-V...
<Headerfield2>: ...
A simple HTTP/1.1-request (to '''') is shown in figure 2.3 (Note: Header field ''Host'' is mandatory in HTTP/1.1):
Figure 2.3: Common HTTP (1.1) request
GET / HTTP/1.1
When a client connects through a proxy server, however, it sends the full URI to the proxy (because it needs the server's address), which is then responsible for a correct forwarding of a ''proper'' HTTP-request (see figure 2.4)
Figure 2.4: HTTP (1.1) request through a proxy server

In the next step (2), the server looks for a pattern that may match the client's request. A pattern is unique for every host (and port) and can include several ''sub-patterns'' for different paths on this host. To enlarge granularity and flexibility, pattern-definitions may also contain simple conditional expressions (see section 2.4.2). When the incoming request has matched a particular pattern, the PatternMatcher-component delivers back a set of transformation-rules (3). Additionally, the pattern may also include instructions for modifying the HTTP-request forwarded to the original server This is mostly needed if the client asks for content, the web server cannot deliver. In this case, we have to change the ''Content-Type''-header field to an appropriate value before delegating the request to the web server (4). All other transformations (except the redirection of requests, naturally) are done after the HTTP-server has sent back the requested content to the proxy server (5). This task involves the appliance of one or more XSL- or XQuery-stylesheets, simple search-and-replace operations or the splitting (or re-layouting) of pages. These transformation-rules may also be summarized in so-called groups. In the last step (6), the proxy server returns the transformed response-data - which may include modified header fields - back to the client,

The different types of transformations (or -rules, respectively) (I-IV) are explained in detail in the configuration-section (see section 2.4.2 and 2.4.3.

Architecture and Design

This section focuses on the software-architecture of the FOXY-system. Although an exhaustive JavaDoc-documentation is included in the (source-package of the) prototype implementation, we shortly describe some important packages and classes in the following.

Source, JavaDoc and Download Location

The source-package of FOXY, including a detailed JavaDoc-documentation can be downloaded under following link:

This site provides various distributions (binary, source) as well as a short description of the project.

Important Packages

In this section, we take a further look at the Java-packages of the implementation. After the explanation of meaning and usage of each package follows a short description of its important classes.


The classes in the foxy.config package have all been automatically created by Sun's Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB). JAXB creates Java-source-files out of an XML Schema description. The generated Java classes represent the structure of the Schema definition. This not only eases the reading and writing of XML-data, it also ensures that the data is compliant to a certain Schema.

The foxy.config package consists of three sub-packages: rules, patterns and server - each one responsible for the configuration-data of the same name. The classes in the root of these sub-packages are more or less a ''Java-representation'' of the elements described in the corresponding Schema-file. From outside the package, we only have deal with these objects (named after their underlying XML-elements) and do not need to parse the configuration-files by our own.

Figure 2.5 shows an example for reading in the server's (HTTP-request-)patterns configuration file:

Figure 2.5: Reading an XML-file compliant to the W3C XML Schema of the patterns-configuration file-format
JAXBContext jc =
...ew FileInputStream(patternFile));\end{verbatim}
After ''importing'' the patterns-file into Java (a process called unmarshalling), all data from the XML-file is accessible through the Patterns-structure returned by the Unmarshaller. The Pattern-object has only one public accessible function, getPattern(), which returns an instance of the java.util.List-class that contains a list of Pattern-objects. This procedure is similar to the synchronization of the rules-configuration data. Although we could use these objects directly, we decided to wrap the data into more appropriate data-structures to facilitate the proxy server's runtime-performance. In figure 2.6 we create a Hashtable of PatternMatcher-objects (see section 2.3.2) at runtime after the unmarshalling of the Patterns-element.
Figure 2.6: Example: Wrapping JAXB-created Pattern-objects into FOXY's PatternMatcher class
...ns.put(pm.getHostName(), pm);

A more detailed description of structure and usage of the configuration-files can be found in section 2.4.


This is the core package of the application. It contains the server classes as well as sub-packages for special functionalities (filter, transform, connection) which are further explained in the following sections.


This class represents the server-daemon. It listens at the server's TCP-port and starts a request-handling thread (called ProxyHandler) for any incoming connection. The server is usually started via the foxy.Shell-class (the only class in the root foxy package), which provides a text-based interface to view or change server-options as well as a clean way to shutdown the server.


After a connection has been delegated to the ProxyHandler, this thread takes responsibility for the incoming request. It first tries to find a pattern-definition according to the web server's host-name defined in the request. If a pattern-definition has been found, the PatternMatcher (see below) compares the request-data to it and - if a match occurred - delivers back a set of transformation-rules. The handler-thread then contacts the web server (note: the forwarded request to this server can also be modified by the proxy) and reads in the HTTP-response. Afterwards, the transformation-process itself is done (mostly) with the help of the transform- and filter- (sub-)packages. At the end, the ProxyHandler delivers the ''filtered'' (i.e. modified) response-data back to the client and stops.

Figure 2.8 shows a simplified diagram of this process. Simplified, because it does - due to readability-reasons - neither contain representations of the filter- and transformer-classes involved in the transformation-process nor the abstractions of the HTTP-connections (interface ProxyConnection) mentioned in the foxy.proxy.connection-package (see section 2.3.2).


This class is an enhanced representation of the pattern-element in the patterns-configuration-file. A hash table of PatternMatcher-objects (unique for every host) is stored in the server's environment (class ProxyEnvironment, see section 2.3.2) to ensure a quick and efficient way to match incoming requests against stored patterns.


This class holds important information about the running server. This involves the definitions of rules and rule-groups (stored in hash tables), a map of PatternMatcher-objects (see @@@), information about the server's status (port..) and logger-functionality.


This package is responsible for the abstraction of all network-connections of the server. It provides a public interface called ProxyConnection and two implementations of this interface, one dealing with client-side connections (class ProxyRequestConnection) and one for handling the connection to the web server (ProxyResponseConnection. Figure 2.7 shows the relation between these classes/interfaces.

Once the request-/response-data is wrapped in the ProxyConnection-interface (or its implementing classes, respectively), the content is available as array of bytes and the header fields are accessible either as hash table or as pure text. A HeaderField, in FOXY, is not just a name-value-pair. To overcome problems caused by name-inconsistencies (e.g. ''User-agent'' or ''User-Agent''), we additionally store a lowercase version of the header field's name, which acts as a unique key for the field.

Figure 2.9 shows the usage of the connection-classes during a common HTTP-connection through FOXY.

Figure 2.7: Main classes/interfaces of package foxy.proxy.connection
Image foxy_proxy_connection-diag

Figure 2.8: Establishing a connection through FOXY (simplified)
Image foxy_proxy-graph

Figure 2.9: Usage of the connection-classes
Image foxy_proxy_connection-graph


Although its name may presume that this package handles the appliance of transformation-rules, this process is done by FOXY's filter-package (see section 2.3.2. The transformation-package is only responsible for converting HTML- to well-formed XML-data. For the implementation of the transformer, we used the well-known factory design-pattern. The user may implement and use its own ProxyTransformerFactory (and its own transformer-implementation, respectively) by delivering the name of the personalized TransformerFactory-implementation to Java's virtual machine during startup. This is done by setting the parameter foxy.proxy.transform.ProxyTransformerFactory to the name of its own implementation (default value: foxy.proxy.transform.DefaultTransformerFactory). The factory class is implemented as singleton which ensures that there can exist only one instance of it in the system. The factory-class contains one public function - newTransformer() - for the creation of a new ProxyTransformer. The ProxyTransformer-interface contains only one public method, called html2Xml(..), which is responsible for converting HTML-data to well-formed XML (or XHTML, respectively). Its default implementation - DefaultProxyTransformer - uses the JTidy-pretty-printer to achieve this aim (see section 2.2.2).

Figure 2.10 shows the relation between the classes and interfaces of this package.

Figure 2.10: Important classes/interfaces of package foxy.proxy.transform
Image foxy_proxy_transform-diag


This package represents the implementation of the several transformation-(or filter-, respectively)actions of the system. The meaning and usage of the factory-class defined in this package (ProxyFilterFactory) is similar to the one in the transformer-package (see section 2.3.2). It is also implemented as singleton-class. The virtual machine parameter, which is responsible for the definition of the class's implementation is named foxy.proxy.filter.ProxyFilterFactory and its default value is by default set to the name of the default filter-factory-class (foxy.proxy.filter.DefaultFilterFactory). The ProxyFilter-interface (and its default implementation - DefaultProxyFilter) provides several functions, such as filterXSL(..), filterXQuery(..) or filterSearchAndReplace(..) for converting data, which return a byte-array of the transformed content. By overwriting the default factory- and filter-class (called DefaultProxyFilter), one can implement these functionalities by her own.

The structure of these classes is presented in figure 2.11.

Figure 2.11: Important classes/interfaces of package foxy.proxy.filter
Image foxy_proxy_filter-diag

In addition to the common filter-classes, the package contains one class that supports the completion of more complex transformations, called HTMLNodeVisitor:


This class performs page-splitting and process-partitioning tasks, respectively. It is inherited from the HTMLParser's-package (see section 2.2.2) NodeVisitor-class, which can be loosely compared to the functionality of a common SAX XML-parser's ContentHandler. When parsing an HTML-page, the parser decides (by given parameters and special group- and subgroup-tags embedded in the HTML-code) which parts of a page are left out. The remaining HTML-data is then delivered back to the client. When splitting large documents into smaller pieces, it is also possible to add different headers and footers to these pieces. The transformation-rule responsible for this process is called layoutPage, and is described further in the configuration-section (see refConfiguration)


In this section, we describe how the server's transformation and pattern-matching behavior can be customized.

FOXY is configured by three XML-files. In the following, we describe these configuration-files and their usage in detail.

The Server Configuration File

The server configuration file stores general server parameters, such as listening port or the naming-conventions and the path of the log-files. Additionally, it contains information about the location of the two remaining configuration files.

Figure 2.12 shows the general structure of the server configuration file. The whole W3C XML Schema definition is shown in figure 2.13.

Figure 2.12: Structure of the server configuration file
Image server

Figure 2.13: W3C XML Schema of the server configuration file
Figure 2.14: Example for a common server configuration file
<?xml version=''1.0'' encod...

The server configuration file consists of following elements:

An example server configuration file is shown in figure 2.14.

The $<$patterns$>$-Language

The language of the patterns configuration file has been designed for specifying so-called HTTP-request-patterns, against which incoming requests are matched. This involves the examinitation and comparison of characteristical parts of the request. The patterns-language also allows simple selection constructs (if-then-else). Figure 2.16 shows a structural representation of this file's format. A complete definition of its underlying W3C XML Schema can be found in the appendix.

The main elements allowed by the W3C Schema definition of the patterns-language are defined as follows:

The $<$rules$>$-Language

Since the rules configuration file is responsible for the definition of transformation-rules, this language offers possibilities to import or define stylesheets implemented in transformation-languages such as XSL or XQuery. In addition, a rule can contain instructions for modifying the HTTP-header of the web server's response before delivering it to the client. Figure 2.22 shows the general structure of the rules-language.
Figure 2.22: Structure of the rules configuration file
Image rules

In the following, we outline the general structure of the rules configuration file. Then follows a detailed description of important language-elements.


This chapter analyzes the prototype implementation of the FOXY system and the concepts of several transformation-techniques in practice.

Case Study

Task Description

In this section, we describe how FOXY can be used to create a simple mobile version of the popular GMX free e-mail service web site (i.e., The aim was to extract some content from the site that was of interest for mobile access. Figure 3.1 shows the original web page. In this figure, the parts that are interesting are marked with enclosing rectangles. These include three menus (products, themes and shopping - on the left side of the page) and the login form of the mail service.

Figure 3.1: The original version of the GMX web site (
Image gmx_original

When requesting this page with a common desktop-browser, only the chosen menus and the login-form should be displayed to the mobile user (presented in an HTML-table), so one does not have to deal with all the news- and advertising-content of the original page. When accessed by a WAP-enabled mobile phone, however, only the site's login form should be delivered to the mobile user.


The transformation process starts by first manually inspecting the HTML code of the desired web page. Figure 3.2 depicts part of the HTML source code of the GMX web page that is of interest. Note that the menu content (i.e., ''Produkte'' - the german translation of ''product'') is enclosed by HTML list elements (i.e., <li>), each with a unique class attribute that specifies the style of the menu. The login form is implemented using HTML form elements (i.e., <form>). After the elements and patterns in the HTML source code have been identified, HTTP-request patterns can be created and fed into FOXY to initiate the transformation and adaptation action whenever the web page is requested by a specific type of user-agent.

Figure 3.2: The HTML source code of the GMX page to be adapted
<li class=''product''><a ...
... id=''gmx_id'' ... />

HTTP-Request Patterns

Figure 3.3 shows the HTTP-request pattern specification for the main GMX web page. Note that the web server and the port of interest are specified on line 2 and that the URL is specified on line 3 (in our example, the pattern is only valid for the start-page of the web site). If desired, wildcards can be used for the specification of URL-patterns. The pattern specification in Figure 3.3 tells FOXY to apply the rule group (i.e., a collection of transformation rules) whenever a WAP-enabled client accesses the main GMX page (see lines 4-11). Then, the User-Agent HTTP-header field is checked (regular expression) to see if the request contains either wap, WAP, CLDC, MIDP or MMP. If, however, the User-Agent field does not match, FOXY will apply the transformation rule group named gmx.browser (line 13). The header field's name is checked in non-case-sensitive manner (i.e., ''user-agent'' and ''User-Agent'' are handled equally).

Figure 3.3: The HTTP-request pattern for the URL
1. <patterns>
2. <pattern hos...
16. </pattern>
17. </patterns>\end{verbatim}

Transformation Rules

Figure 3.6 shows the transformation and adaptation rules that are applied to the GMX web page whenever a WAP-enabled client accesses it. A rule group called has been defined (see line 32) and it specifies two rules: removeEntities and extractLoginFormAndMenu. Note that the removeEntities transformation rule (lines 2-4) contains a $<$searchFor$>$ and a $<$replaceWith$>$ element. These elements provide text-based search-and-replace functionality that allows the usage of regular expressions. In our example, we need it to cut out XML-entities (&..;) that cannot be processed by the Saxon XQuery processor.

The transformation rule called extractLoginFormAndMenus (line 5) is defined by an $<$xquery$>$ element. This element has one optional attribute named preTransform (line 6). By setting it to true (which is the default value), the input data is then considered to be not well-formed XML (i.e., HTML) and will be converted to (well-formed) XHTML content (i.e., a process often called tidying) before the XQuery stylesheet is applied. As we did not want to implement the XQuery script directly in the rule-body, we use the import element (i.e., $<$import$>$) which allows the specification of an external XQuery stylesheet file - i.e., gmx2html-table.xql, line 7) to be imported. The complete listing of this script can be found in the appendix (see figure A.3). It is similar to the script used for content-adaption for mobile clients, but it does not only deliver the login form. In addition, it shows some ''important'' menus and produces HTML-code instead of WML-output.

The extractLoginForm-transformation-rule is also implemented as XQuery-script. This time, the xquery element has one child named script (e.g., lines 13-28). This element indicates that the XQuery script is implemented directly in the rule database The XQuery-code (lines 15-26) is implemented quite straightforward: First an HTML-form with the name ''login'' is extracted. Then it is wrapped into a WML card element and finally presented as WML-document ($<$wml$>$$<$!DOCTYPE wml...). Because WAP browsers do check the Content-Type header field and will produce an error message whenever HTML-content is detected, it is required to change the value of this field to indicate that WML-content is delivered (i.e., text/vnd.wap.wml, line 11). Figures 3.5 and 3.4 show screenshots of the transformations as seen on a traditional browser and a WAP phone. Suppose that the information being extracted from the web page is large and needs to be split over a number of smaller pages. In this case, the splitting elements $<$foxy:group$>$ and $<$foxy:subgroup$>$ are ''inserted'' into the extracted content by means of XQuery or XSL instructions. The $<$layoutPage$>$-element can then be used within the rule implementations to browse between the resulting page splits. Note that in web sites which use a common layout (i.e., corporate identity), FOXY is especially effective because the same HTTP-request pattern and transformation rules can be applied to a large number of web pages.

Figure 3.4: The result of the transformation as seen on a traditional PC browser (i.e., transformation gmx.browser)
Image gmx_browser


We demonstrated, how FOXY can be used to create different versions of the same web page, depending on the connecting user-agent. For the extraction of predefined pieces of the page and the creation of different output-formats, we used the XQuery transformation language.

Figure 3.5: The result of the transformation as seen on a WAP phone (i.e., transformation
Image gmx_mobile
Figure 3.6: Snippet of the transformation and adaptation rules to apply to the GMX web page
1. <rules>
2. <rule id=''remo...
38. </ruleGroup>
39. </rules>\end{verbatim}

Conclusion and Future Work

In the example presented in the previous section, we demonstrated, how FOXY can be used to dynamically create different versions of the same web page, depending on - for example - the connecting client user-agent. In this chapter, we discuss the assets and drawbacks of our system, focused on flexibility, extensibility and maintenance costs (including learning efforts).


One of the main aims of our prototype implementation was to summarize the advantages of generally accepted approaches. Some of the solutions we investigated offered possibilities to create static profiles for each device and content, some were only concentrated on one particular (mobile) output-format (e.g., CHTML or WML) while others (the earlier ones) did only provide HTML-to-HTML conversion.

We decided to create our system ''content-type independent'', i.e., we handle all text data in the same way and do only differentiate between well-formed XML (e.g., XHTML) and non-XML-conform content (HTML, in most cases). Conversions from one content-type to another are done by stylesheets defined in standard transformation-languages, notably XSL and XQuery. To avoid inconsistencies between the content-type and the corresponding field of the HTTP-header, we provide facilities to change the header fields of the client's request and the server's response, respectively. This ensures a high degree of flexibility, although the efforts of maintaining the system include the knowledge of at least one transformation-language and the basics of the HTTP-protocol. These issues are further discussed in the next section (see section 4.2).

Furthermore, FOXY offers the possibility to change or to customize certain parts of the system, e.g. to use own implementations of transformation-, filter-, or stylesheet-processing engines. So, one may use a different XSL-processor than Xalan or replace the default XQuery engine (Saxon) with one that may be more suitable for her needs.


The complexity of FOXY mostly lies in the requirement of knowledge of XSL or XQuery, respectively - both languages which are quite difficult to learn for one who is not familiar with transformation- or programming-languages at all. In contrast, FOXY's rules- and patterns-languages are kept very simple and therefore relatively easy to understand. One possibility to reduce complexity is to create a new layer of abstraction by implementing generalized stylesheets for common transformation-tasks, e.g., the extraction of all forms of a web-page, the conversion from HTML- to WML-forms, or even the (assumed) correct representation of a web-page in WML (this requires the implementation of an ''intelligent'' algorithm in a stylesheet-language). So, a non-expert user may just import and make use of these stylesheet-''templates'' whenever creating new transformation-rules.

An additional way to reduce configuration efforts is the implementation of a graphical user interface (GUI) for the configuration files, an enhancement which may be realized in the future (see section 4.4). This GUI can also include functionalities for selecting important parts of web pages for later transformation (see section 3.1.2), hence, not even basic knowledge of HTML may be required to perform transformation tasks in the future.


In our prototype implementation, we did not mainly focus on the runtime performance of the proxy server itself (although it was very sufficient) - after the solution turns out to be stable we plan to implement caching functionality, which should fairly reduce performance costs. The HTML-tidying process costs a mentionable amount of time (only tested with JTidy), while XSL- and XQuery-processing is usually quite fast. A detailed analysis regarding the proxy server's performance, including a comparison between different HTML-pretty-printers and stylesheet-processors will be presented in the future - together with the implementation of the caching functionality (see section 4.4.2).

Future Work

Graphical User Interface

In the next years, we plan to implement several graphical user interfaces (GUIs) for FOXY, be it to ease configuration (and therefore usability) or to support content extraction tasks. The structure of the XML configuration files and their consistent representation in Java (see section 2.2.2) strongly supports the development of configuration-GUIs. This graphical configuration utility should especially be designed to meet the needs of non-expert users.

Additionally, to assist the user in the task of selecting important parts of a web-page, a browser-like GUI that offers facilities for selecting HTML-content in real time can be implemented (This GUI could be combined with the mentioned configuration user-interface.). It has to provide the user ways to graphically ''pick'' the parts (of a web page) of her liking directly in the browser window. For example, Firefox ([17], Mozilla's ([18]) popular web browser can be extended with add-ons. These add-ons - which add new functionality to the browser - are realized with the help of XUL ([19]), the XML User Interface Language. This seems an efficient way to combine the browser's graphical capabilities with FOXY's extraction functionality.

Another possible user interface may be be created together with the implementation of specialized pre- or post-processing modules, needed for automated content (or information, respectively) extraction tasks (see section 4.4.5).


We decided to leave out caching functionality in the prototype version. Although the caching of recently requested pages (or also pre-caching of popular ones) should largely increase the server's runtime performance, we found out that even without our system produces quite passable results regarding request- and response-time, respectively. In the future, we plan to implement the caching functionality as a separate module that may be ''plugged in'' the server when needed.


When speaking about security, we do not mainly think about the implementation of authorization-facilities or the detection and prevention of (remote) attacks, in fact we focus on the realization of HTTPS-functionality. With the prototype it is not possible to access secure web pages/sites, which reduces the application domain and therefore the flexibility of the proxy server.

Content Extraction

Combined with an appropriate user interface, FOXY can easily be used by home users to customize their view of the World Wide Web. A user interface that supports this functionality is further described in section 4.4.1.

Automated Information Extraction

FOXY can be used for the extraction of interesting parts of web pages. In the future, it could be combined with a (specialized) crawler and/or a post-processor to fulfill automated information extraction tasks. The crawler, for example, may request all web pages through the FOXY proxy server. FOXY could then be configured to extract all (and only) forms of all web pages requested through it to reduce the parsing and extraction efforts of a possible post-processor, which purpose is the interpretation of the gained information. The configuration of the crawler, FOXY, and the post-processor may be combined in a graphical user interface (see section 4.4.1).


Figure A.1: W3C XML Schema of the patterns configuration file
Image patterns-xsd

Figure A.2: W3C XML Schema of the rules configuration file
Image rules-xsd

Figure A.3: The XQuery-stylesheet needed to extract menus and login-form of, (file gmx2html-table.xql)
xquery version ''1.0'';


Viktor Moser.
FOXY - A Proxy for Mobile Web Access.
Master's thesis, Technical University of Vienna, February 2006.

Dave Raggett, Arnaud Le Hors,Ian Jacobs.
HTML 4.01 Reference Specification, W3C Recommendation., December 1999.

WAP Forum.
Wireless Markup Language Specification., February 1998.

W3C, World-Wide Web Consortium.
XHTML 1.1 The Extensible HyperText Markup Language, W3C Recommendation., May 2001.

W3C, World-Wide Web Consortium.
Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0., February 2000.

International Organization for Standardization.
ISO 8879:Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML)., 1986.

eXtensible Stylesheet Language 1.0 -, Jan. 2000.

W3C, World-Wide Web Consortium.
RFC2616, Hypertext Transfer Protocol - HTTP/1.1., June 1999.

W3C, World-Wide Web Consortium.
XML Schema., May 2001.

Sun Microsystems.
The Java programming language.

Sun Microsystems.
Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB).

OSI - The Open Source Initiative.
The Open Source Definition., 1997.

The Apache Software Foundation.
Xerces-J, Java XML Parser., 2005.

Michael H. Kay.
SAXON, XSLT and XQuery Processor., 2005.

Fabrizio Giustina et al.
JTidy, HTML syntax checker and pretty printer., 2006.

Somik Raha, Derrick Oswald et al., 2005.

The Mozilla Project.
The Firefox Web Browser.

The Mozilla Project.
The Mozilla Project., 2005.

The Mozilla Project.
XML User Interface Language (XUL).


Apache Software foundation
Automated Information Extraction
see Information Extraction
The $<$rules$>$-Language
Server Configuration File
The Server Configuration File
Content Extraction
Content Extraction
see JAXB
Design Patterns
Parsers and Transformation Engines
Parsers and Transformation Engines
see Automated Information Extraction
see Content Extraction
see Information Extraction
FOXY - A Prototype
Case Study
Case Study
Conclusion and Future Work
Architecture and Design
General Design Concepts
General Design Concepts
Architecture and Design
The FOXY System
Used Technologies and Tools
Used Technologies and Tools
Graphical User Interface
Graphical User Interface
Parsers and Transformation Engines
Information Extraction
Automated Information Extraction
General Design Concepts
Parsers and Transformation Engines
see Log4j
see HTMLParser
see Saxon
see Xerces
see FOXYConfiguration
Parsers and Transformation Engines
Problem Definition
Transformation engine
see Xalan
Parsers and Transformation Engines
Parsers and Transformation Engines


... data-binding-utilities2.1
The term data-binding in this case refers to the binding of an XML Schema to a representation in Java code.
root 2006-05-22