If the HTTP-request points to host:port | and the URL-path | then | |
www.infosys.tuwien.ac.at:80 | equals '/' |
| |
foxy.sourceforge.net:80 | startsWith '/examples/form/index.html' |
| |
foxy.sourceforge.net:80 | startsWith '/examples/gallery/index.html' |
| |
www.tuwien.ac.at:80 | startsWith '/' |
| |
www.gmx.com:all | startsWith '/' |
| |
www.gmx.com:all | startsWith '/' |
| |
www.gmx.net:all | startsWith '/' |
| |
www.gmx.net:all | startsWith '/' |
| |
www.microsoft.com:80 | startsWith '/' |
| |
www.yahoo.com:80 | equals '/' |
| |
www.sun.com:80 | equals '/' |
| |
www.google.com:80 | startsWith '/' |
| |
www.google.de:80 | startsWith '/' |
| |
www.google.at:80 | startsWith '/' |
| |
www.foxy.org:80 | startsWith '/' |
| |
www.foxy.com:all | startsWith '/' |
| |
www.foxy.net:all | startsWith '/' |
Rule ID | What to do |
extractLinks |
addFilteredByFoxy |
prepareGMX |
splitGMX |
tableSplit |
splitGallery |
splitForm |
addFoxyPresents |
removeEntities |
gmx2table |
xquery version "1.0"; document { <html> { let $h := //*[name(.)='head'] return <head>{$h}</head> } <body> { let $l := //*[name(.)='form' and @name='login'] (: let $p := //*[name(.)='li' and @class='product'] :) let $t := //*[name(.)='li' and @class='topic'] let $s := //*[name(.)='li' and @class='shopping'] return <table border="1"> <tr><th colspan="3">GMX - Login and Menus</th></tr> <tr><td width="33%">Login</td><!--td>Produkte</td--><td>Themen</td><td>Shopping</td> </tr> <tr> <td>{$l}</td><!--td>{$p}</td--><td>{$t}</td><td>{$s}</td></tr> </table> } </body> </html> } |
gmx2wapMenu |
gmx2wapLogin |
html2wml |
win2lin |
mic2gnu |
Rule-Group ID | includes rules |
foxyInfo | |
exampleGallery | |
exampleForm | |
exampleLinkExtractor | |
gmx.wap.login | |
gmx.wap.menu | |
gmx.com | |
gmx.net | |
microsoft |