Name | Description | Used Techniques |
Link Extractor Example 1 Link Extractor Example 2 | Displays all HTTP-references of a document in a handy table. | Search-Replace[1] >> XQuery |
Large Form Example[2] | Splits a large input form into smaller ones. Foxy collects all parameters and posts them to a predefined target (i.e., a test target, in this case) after you have succesfully "finished" the last "small form". | LayoutPage |
Foto Gallery Example[3] | Splits a large foto-gallery-page (all pics in one large table) into smaller pieces (including a small navigation menu). |
XSL >> LayoutPage (dynamic page splitting) |[4] | Extracts some important parts (e.g. menus, login forms...) of a document, splits them into smaller pieces and shows the first one (including a small navigation menu). | XSL >> LayoutPage |[4] | Extracts some important parts (e.g. menus, login forms...) of a document and displays them in a small table. | Search-Replace[1] >> XQuery | | Replaces some text in a document. | Search-Replace | |
Other Examples. |
LayoutPage (sun), Redirect (yahoo) |
Before any XSL- or XQuery-transformation can be applied, the (HTML-)input-content must be
converted (by an "HTML-tidier" - JTidy in our case) to X(HT)ML.
All documents transformed by LayoutPage accept following paramters:
1: If a document contains entities (&..;), they have to be removed before
applying an XQuery-transformation (Saxon's XQuery engine does not like some entities).
We do this by a simple (regular-expression-)
text-replacement (i.e. a FOXY replacement-rule).
2: This web page does already contain special FOXY-group and -subgroup-tags, needed for the page splitting process.
In most cases these tags have to be added dynamically (usually by either XSL- or XQuery-transformations, see also [3]).
3: This web page does not contain FOXY-group and -subgroup-tags.
During the connection process, these tags (<foxy:group>, <foxy:subgroup>) are added
dynamically by an XSL stylesheet (at the proxy) to provide page splitting functionality.
4: These pages are user-agent-sensitive.
If the client is a WAP-browser, some (important)
parts of the source-document will be extracted and converted to WML-code.
Used techniques:
Search-Replace (remove entities),
XQuery (to create a proper "WML-structure"),
XSL (further transformation of HTML- to WML-content (i.e. input forms and links))